Anyway, I dug a VCR out of the closet that was left in my place by a former tenant. Hooked it up. BOOBIES! there was a vhs porno inside. I went and washed my hands.
Okay, so these shell-shocked Vietnam vets are allowed out of their nut ward for a weekend camping trip. They are the most pussified vets I have ever seen. They seem about as hard as a cock in front of a naked Rosie O'Donnel. On the way into the woods they're singing she'll be coming around the mountain.... BUT THEN!!!!! they spark a J. SO badass.
When they get settled in and camping, they light a fire and we get this gem "I come from a long line of weenie roasters... my dad used to roast his weenie in my mom every night". I tell you, that was funny.
Sometimes, directors will use a flashback to build background into a story. Our hero, Jim Anderson, has a flashback of 'nam while sitting around the fire - EXCEPT IT DOESN'T SHOW THE FLASHBACK, JUST HIM STARING INTO SPACE! LAME!
Morning comes and one of their lads is missing. Another wanders into the woods and sees him hung from a tree dead. He then gets whacked. Jim and the other remaining 3 nut jobs decide to get the fuck out of dodge. Just as they're about clear, the come upon a closed gate and are rounded up by a Militia. The leader of the militia, Mallerd, let's them know that they're going to be target practice. He outfits them with weapons and gives them an hour head start to run into the mountains. This is very difficult for the whiny fat annoying fuck that talks like a stupid bitch. Oh, p.s., the militia is called "The New Force - the white arm of the neglected law" HAHAHAHA. Fuck me.
The movie now gets some potential. We see two girls heading into the mountains to camp. They don't immediately disrobe, so I find myself hardly watching the movie again.
Okay, so the militia starts hunting down the nuts from the mental hospital. Assholes from vet hospital - campers - running into mountains to hide, they're under fire, oh the humanity, flashbacks to nam! no flashback though, just the idea of it, ahhhhh electrical fence, one down, oh no! ahhhh! nooooo ... FINALLY we get flashback, charlie taking aim, no, no, no, no, no ahhhhh!
Jim runs away and everyone else is captured, but Jim is caught by some skinny dweeb that makes him choose between getting shot or launching off a cliff. He jumps off cliff and faceplants. Haha, we are to believe it killed him, for time being. Blah blah blah, the captured dudes are being tortured. yawn.
MOTHERFUCKER, HE DIDN'T DIE IN FALL OFF CLIFF, NOW HE'S FUCKIN OUT FOR REVENGE! WHAT A PIECE OF SHIT! HE stumbles to water and seems okay. The girls hear someone nearby! it's our nut-ward hero! Who are you? they ask. Anderson, I didn't mean to scare you, I just smelt some food, and I... ughhh, he passes out and later wakes up crying like a nut, oh its a dream, they assume he's a soldier and - cut to morning - they feed him breakfast. Oh comedy, he doesn't want it because it's shittily cooked and when they aren't looking he feeds the food to the DOG HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA.
TITTIES! holy! - the girl looks like Angela from Who's the Boss, and we see HER TITS! oh my, Danza, you lucky bastard! Fuck, get on with the revenge already. If I wanted to see tits i'd just throw the shitty 1980's VHS porn back in.
I'll be fucked if the militia doesn't find them. Dude comes and starts getting his rapin' on with Rachel, the other girl stumbles in and the dude whacks Rachel and captures the other gal. We are left pondering if he finished or not.
Anderson decides he's going to rescue everyone and goes to where they're held prisoner but, just as he's about to free them, a bad guy gets the jump and wastes another of his buddies. The annoying fat friend tells Jim that he was raped. I don't believe him and neither will a judge, so he better just keep his mouth shut. This movie is so bad. Anyway, Jim frees the chick, the fat fuck, and a black dude (who is wounded and on a stretcher. They find the girls truck, but it won't start. Like every fucking time a car won't start, the distributor has been fucked up.
Are you on the edge of your seat reading this! IT'S FUCKING INTENSE!
In case you wondered, Jim Anderson lets us know that Vietnam is like dying every day and going to hell. GRENADE!!!!! SOMEONE THREW A GRENADE!!!!! black guy rolls on it and dies, and then the fat fuck is KILLED. IT'S CRAZY! JUST JIM AND THE CHICK ARE LEFT AND JIM GOES KILL CRAZY!!!!!!
This is awful.
Celery bustin' fist fight ensues. It's trouble. JIM GOES KILL CRAZY AGAIN AND KILLS TWO MORE DUDES! Mallerd butt ends him and he's down. AHAHAHAHAHAHAH, they bury him alive, but he's rescued when the girls pet dog digs him up, hahahahahahahahaha. This is absurd, it's so absurd it's awesome - psyche! MORE RAPE! Guy gets his rape on with who's the boss, she's a biter, he's a nerd. This is so bad. It's making me cry.
HE IS FUCKING KILL CRAZY, HE IS KILLING THEM ALL! THEY MESSED WITH THE WRONG PSYCHE PATIENT. OH MY WORD! When the leaping shotgun blast to the chest from 50 yards kills a guy, you know it's on.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA "If you bury a man you sure better make sure he's dead" pure rip-off from hang em high! Cut to combat roll and shooting a guy from 4 feet. This is so action packed! AND BAD! I blanked out, but everyone is dead but our hero and his chick.
"You want a definition of sympathy? you'll find it in the dictionary between shit and syphallis". Jim kills Mallerd and that's a rap. Jim and Chick get married and fuck a bunch. We don't see this though... here's hoping for part two. I say call it "Kill Crazy 2: Still Crazy".
That's it. That's the movie. IT IS AWESOME!
Its a crazy review about this movie. I have never thought that this is such kind of movie. i have think on it before going to watch it.