This movie is based on a best selling novel, so the author was probably a rapist. A Boy and His Dog is a pretty fucked up movie. After WW4 the world is just a desert shithole. We nuked the hell out of it, and now food and women are scarce. Lots of movies talk about WW3, but how many talk about WW4? Think about how original this movie already is. The weird thing is that this movie was made in the 70’s and it talks about WW3 going from 1950-1983. How the hell does that make sense? No matter.
The move really makes you go, “what the fuck?” when Don Johnson starts talking to his dog. He uses ESP to communicate with his dog that has a special talent to sense where and when women are around. The dog uses this ability to bribe Don Johnson into feeding him. In return, the dog tells him where the women are so that he can go and rape them at gun point. Not a bad little deal for either of them. And since women are so few, this makes it perfectly acceptable to take away all of their rights, accept one. The right to get fucked. We all know it’s not rape if she ends up liking it anyways.
The movie gets even weirder when three yahoo’s set a trap for Donny. His dog detects a female in cahoots with the three jag-offs and lets Donny know. Thinking with his dick, Donny tracks her down and rapes the shit out of her. Normally, he would love her and leave her, but she is too fine for Donny to pass up. She pretends to fall in love with him, after a night of banging, and lures him underground. His dog ends up waiting on the surface.
Now you find out what they are really up to. Donny gets captured underground for breeding purposes. After years of inbreeding, the colony requires new juice to impregnate their women. At first this excites Donny, and he thinks he is going to get to pound all the broads he can handle, but it’s not the case. They hook him up to a dick pump and farm his sauce to give to the women instead. He must pack one hell of load for the amount of women lined up to turkey baste themselves. At the same time, the piece of ass that set him up realizes that the council is not going to give her what she wants for screwing Donny, so she helps him escape. She tries to get him to kill the council, but he tells her to fuck off and they escape to the surface.
When Donny and the bitch get to the surface, the dog is suffering from severe starvation. Donny was underground for quite a while and the dog waited the whole time. This is when the best ending of all time happens. The bitch tries to get Donny to leave the dog and tells him they are too late to save him. Clearly, you aren’t going to let a pooch that loyal just die in front of you, so Donny shoots the girl and he and the dog eat her.

what, the fuck.