Thursday, January 28, 2010

Blood in, Blood out: Bound by honor (1993)

I am now an expert in Latin culture.

Vatos Locos forever! Listen homes. Mi primo carnal, Miklo, came from Vegas to stay with his madre in Califas. Odelay. When he arrived, he wanted to be a Vatos Locos, but he doesn’t look like our raza, homes. He looked like a white punto. I was wrong, essay! That chicano is pure Vatos Locos.

When that cabron, Spider, and those puntos showed up to paint our wall, my carnal proved he was Vatos Locos. Odelay! Spider crossed the line when he jumped mi hermano, Cruz, and his momacita, essay. Paybacks a bitch, homes. We ambushed Spider and those puntos, homes. I carved Vatos Locos in that pandejos chest. He’s property of Vatos Locos forever. Odelay! I had no idea it would have the impacto it did, homes. Spider pulled a pistola, so Miklo killed that punto, essay. Now mi hermanos back is la cago and Miklo is doing a murder rap in San Quentin. I had to join the Marines or join him in San Quentin, homes. De mierda!

It didn’t take long for Miklo to learn the way of San Quentin, essay. There are three gangs: The BGA, or Black Guerrilla Army, The Aryans, and La Onda. To be accepted into La Onda, Miklo had to kill one of the Aryans. Miklo pretended he was a white raza, pandejo, in order to get close. He pretended he was a pinche maricon and played with his cajones to keep him off his guard. Then he walked in on that maricon and a guard exchanging dinero in the stock room. When the guard left, Miklo shanked that puta muerto. Odelay! Mi carnal also got dirt on that pinche guard, so now that puta turns a blind eye, homes. Comprende? Now mi carnal was accepted into La Onda. Odelay!

De mierda! Mi hermano, Cruz, was shooting heroina for his back pain, essay. That pinche ojete fell asleep with a cigarette, homes. Mi little hermano smoked it and then shot Cruz’s heroina. Maldito Idiota! Now my little hermano is muerto. It’s all Cruz’s fault, cabron! He is dead to mi familia, essay.

After my tour in the Marines, I joined the DEA, homes. Miklo and La Onda ran an organized gambling ring out of San Quentin. They made mucho dinero, essay! Cruz became quite the painter, essay, but that idiota kept doing heroina. Maldito!!

Miklo learned to read and write in Quentin. He even got his GED, essay! This helped him get his parole and get out of San Quentin. Miklo moved in with a bato from La Onda, essay. He soon realized that it’s not easy to stay clean on the outside. He was surrounded by temptation, homes. When reality set in and the system fucked him, homes, he gave in, essay. To make some dinero and pay off Cruz’s debt, Miklo robbed an armored truck, essay. I shot mi own carnal, essay! Hijo de puta! How could you do this, homes!?

Now that cabron is back in San Quentin and hates my guts, essay. He’s chingada! It’s here where he really comes into his own. The drug trade is causing a power shift in San Quentin, essay. If La Onda isn’t controlling the drugs, then they will become a punta of the Aryans and pinche myates, homes. They can’t let that happen, essay. When an inner circle member of La Onda starts dealing with the Aryans, shit hit’s the fan, essay. Miklo and Magic see the shift in power, but La Onda’s spokesman, Montana, won’t act. It’s time for change, essay. When Montana tries to arrange a truce, a myates kills him muerta, homes. It’s intended to start a war between La Onda and GBA, essay. La Onda and GBA don’t fall for it, essay. The chicanos and myates unite against the Aryans. Or so it seems, homes. The GBA and La Onda, who is now led by mi carnal, take out all of the Aryans leaders. Then mi carnal and La Onda backstab the GBA. They are now in total control of the drug trade, essay! To deal with it, the prison system planned to split up the leaders of La Onda. Poor choice, homes. Mi carnal told the leaders to start their own chapter of La Onda in every prison they went to. They are going national, homes! It turns out that it was actually mi carnal, Miklo that started the whole thing, essay. It was he and Magic that arranged the hit on Montana. They made a mold of Bonafides (leader of the GBA, essay!) comb and put a note with it to kill Montana, homes. Then the myates thought it was an order from the top and shanked him, essay. De mierda!

Now mi carnal, Miklo, runs La Onda, Cruz, mi familia and I have let bygones be bygones, essay. It’s over, homes. Comprende!? Hasta la vista, pandejo!


  1. This movie is one of the greatest cheesefests ever made! A total low budget rip off of american me lol. Vatos locos forever!

  2. Benjamin Bratt's performance as miklo is so cringeworthy it almost makes you want to look away from the screen at times lol
